The story of how the Guild came to Georgetown is a concrete example of lay cooperation in the Bishop’s mission. In late 2021 Bishop Caggiano had been considering how and where to establish a ‘Catholic Cultural Center’ to promote Beauty in the Arts. A number of possibilities were considered, including closed churches, former rectories or even purchasing new-build property. None of the options were quite right: the Center needed visibility in the Diocese, and also the ability to showcase the Sacred Arts both in the Liturgy and by way of exhibitions and talks.
News of the Bishop’s plans reached the ears of three parishioners from the former Sacred Heart Parish in Georgetown, who enthusiastically received the idea of a Cultural Center, and suggested their beloved Church as the perfect location for the new venture. The Bishop prayed about it and became convinced that it was, indeed, God’s will for the Center to be based in Georgetown. At the same time he had the idea of calling it a ‘guild’ – an intriguing and evocative title that underlines the fact that it is a partnership between Clergy and Laity, coming together to implement the Bishop’s vision.
So the fact that it is based in Georgetown – and called the Guild of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus – is the result of this partnership. It is a home-grown institution, native to Georgetown. The Center came to Georgetown because some of the parish community asked for it to come – and because of that, what was a Center became a ‘Guild,’ and took its name from the place which would become its permanent home. As the Bishop has said – Georgetown is the heart of the Diocese of Bridgeport, and Our Lady, to whom the Diocese was consecrated, has indicated her blessing to the new Guild in this place.
May we work hard to assist our Bishop in this important work of Evangelization through Beauty, with our prayers, support and energy.