Running to the Sepulcher
Adrienne Keogler
April 12, 2023
The Disciples Peter and John Running to the Sepulchre on the Morning of the Resurrection by Eugène Burnand is not the typical Resurrection scene. Rather than focusing on the usual subjects, Burnand chose to capture the scene in the Gospels of the two disciples racing toward the tomb. Their faces reveal their great anticipation and guarded excitement. Their hair blowing as they run, the dawn reflected on their faces, John’s hands clasped in prayer as he runs all give us a sense of the immediacy of this thrilling moment.
Eugène Burnand was born in 1850 in Switzerland where he studied art, and later in Paris. He was an artist with a wide range of talents, painting portraits, landscapes, animals and religious scenes as well as working in the graphic arts. He was very interested in the field of photography which was emerging at the time. He died in France in 1921. He was famous both in France and Switzerland, but aside from this picture, his work was not well known abroad. The Disciples Peter and John Running to the Sepulchre on the Morning of the Resurrection hangs in the Musée d’Orsay in Paris.
Heart to Heart
Contemporary Music Apostolate
with Adoration and Confessions
Saturdays 7 PM to 9 PM
(in various locations, see Calendar)
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8:30 AM
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Holy Days
8:30 AM, 12 Noon, 6 PM (1962)
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8:30 AM (1962)
First Saturdays
8:30 AM (1962)
Wednesday 7:30 PM
6 AM
12 Noon
6 PM
Saturday 10 AM (at the Office)
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