The Good Shepherd Mosaic
Adrienne Keogler


April 26, 2023
“Entering the mausoleum of Galla Placidia is like crossing the threshold of the afterlife, the antechamber of Paradise.”  Taken from their website, this “treasure chest” in Ravenna, Italy was built in the mid 5th century.  It was built in honor of Galla Placidia, daughter of the Roman Emperor Theodosius, and mother of Valentinian III for whom she ruled while he was still too young. Some scholars believe it was intended as a chapel rather than a mausoleum.
The mosaic of the Good Shepherd is over one of the entrances and depicts Christ as young and beardless, with a staff of gold in the shape of a Cross, as well a golden halo and robe, all indicating His triumph over death.  His posture is relaxed as He holds the Cross in His right hand while tenderly touching one of the sheep with his left.  It is a scene of serenity and peace.  
Mosaics were a common medium of this time.  They had learned the art of mosaics from the Greeks and Romans.  Using richly colored tiles, they covered the interior of their Churches, often using the same symbols as those found on the walls of the catacombs. 
Another beautiful description from the website of the Mausoleum:
“The architectural layout of the building, spartan and simple, in contrast with the magnificence of the internal decorations, intends to evoke the life of the good Christian, simple in external appearance and rich in soul.”


Heart to Heart

Contemporary Music Apostolate
with Adoration and Confessions
Saturdays 7 PM to 9 PM
(in various locations, see Calendar)


Saturday 5 PM to 6 PM
First Fridays 9 AM to 9 PM

Holy Mass

4 PM (Saturday Vigil)
9 AM, 10:30 AM, 12 Noon (1962)
Tuesday & Thursday
8:30 AM
6 PM (1962)
Holy Days
8:30 AM, 12 Noon, 6 PM (1962)
First Fridays
8:30 AM (1962)
First Saturdays
8:30 AM (1962)


Wednesday 7:30 PM


6 AM
12 Noon
6 PM


Saturday 10 AM (at the Office)
By request at any convenient time